Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life is Precious

This past Saturday my husband's mother's side of the family got together for the first time in 20 or so years.  Sadly, I never met my husband's mom, who passed away in 1994.  But I have had the privilege to meet and get to know her brothers and sisters.  We had an amazing turnout at the reunion, though many family members weren't able to attend, including my husband's Uncle Ab.  He'd been in the hospital and was too weak to make the trip.  During the reunion we posted photos on Facebook so that he could feel a part of the day with us. 

Yes, it is possible to have a safe and enjoyable time at family gatherings when you have Celiac Disease.  I simply made and brought my own food to the picnic.  While everyone else was enjoying their meals, I was enjoying my own and still able to be with all of them and participate in a wonderful day.

We all had a wonderful time with lots of food, games, visiting and pictures!  It was so nice to be able to get to know some of this side of the family better.  Many are aware of my health issues, and many have gone through different health issues of their own.  One thing each of us has learned, I believe, is that we can get through these things and come out stronger on the other side.  I have to share a few pics from the day. 
Group photo by Lloyd Clemon
Me and my husband, Dave.  Photo by Linda Reitz
Family is so important in each of our lives.  Friends may come and go, but your family is who you really lean on during the hard times and who you celebrate with in the good times.  I've been so blessed with such an amazing family.  Not just my own, but both sides of my husband's family, as well.  I have been met with kindness and compassion from so many.  I know that not everyone has that kind of support and understanding from their families.  I do not take it for granted.  We are there for each other - no matter what.  That's what family should be.

left to right: Ab (Albert), Mary Lou (Dave's mom), Dick, Joyce, Don & Wilma
Sadly, early this morning we received a phone call from Dave's sister with the news that dear Uncle Ab had passed away in the night.  While we know that he no longer suffers, it is still hard to let go of someone who was such a loved and important part of the family.  Dave's mom grew up with two sisters and three brothers.  Now there are only two brothers and one sister remaining.  It seems like I've been to more funerals in the past 10 or so years than weddings.  The older we get, the more we realize how precious and short life really is.  Now, it's time to say good-bye to another loved one.
The surviving siblings, left to right: Dick, Joyce & Don
Rest in peace, Uncle Ab.  We'll miss you!


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Designs for Life

So, I've finally gotten around to designing an official logo for my Siouxland Celiac label.  So, what do you all think?  Next up will be Siouxland Celiac business cards to pass out at the Farmer's Market next summer when I set up.  I'm thinking I will probably get them before then leave some around.  Any input from my followers would be welcome.


I'm thinking I like it!

Sioux City Farmer's Market, I'm going to be ready for you beginning in 2016!  The more I think about doing this, the more excited I am getting!!  Last Saturday I spoke with the manager of the Sioux City Farmer's Market.  She told me that a few years ago a guy had tried a stand with gluten free products, but it didn't go over very well.  However, she also agreed with me that there is a real need for it and she believes that it is time to try it again.  She was very encouraging for me to make a go of it next year.  I'm already formulating plans on how I want it to be.  I'll be sure to have some samples and I plan to keep my products simple for the first season.  Yep, I said first season.  Something inside me tells me that it will be the first of, hopefully, many years to come.  Right now I'm thinking of offering cookies, brownies and other types of bars.  Probably some fruit breads, as well.  We'll see what all my mom and I are able to come up with through the long Iowa winter months.  I am sooo excited.  I am also really thankful to all of my wonderful friends and family who have been so encouraging to me about this.  I'll keep you posted as plans progress.
I've been playing with designs all afternoon and evening.  I've even designed a t-shirt, ball cap and banner to use for next summer.  I LOVE Vistaprint.com!!  Here are the designs I've come up with.  I can't wait!  I know there is still a lot more planning to do, not to mention prep work, containers and ingredients, etc to purchase over the next 8 to 9 months to get ready for next summer, but, little by little, I'll get there!