Yes, it is possible to have a safe and enjoyable time at family gatherings when you have Celiac Disease. I simply made and brought my own food to the picnic. While everyone else was enjoying their meals, I was enjoying my own and still able to be with all of them and participate in a wonderful day.
We all had a wonderful time with lots of food, games, visiting and pictures! It was so nice to be able to get to know some of this side of the family better. Many are aware of my health issues, and many have gone through different health issues of their own. One thing each of us has learned, I believe, is that we can get through these things and come out stronger on the other side. I have to share a few pics from the day.
Group photo by Lloyd Clemon
Me and my husband, Dave. Photo by Linda Reitz
Family is so important in each of our lives. Friends may come and go, but your family is who you really lean on during the hard times and who you celebrate with in the good times. I've been so blessed with such an amazing family. Not just my own, but both sides of my husband's family, as well. I have been met with kindness and compassion from so many. I know that not everyone has that kind of support and understanding from their families. I do not take it for granted. We are there for each other - no matter what. That's what family should be.
left to right: Ab (Albert), Mary Lou (Dave's mom), Dick, Joyce, Don & Wilma
Sadly, early this morning we received a phone call from Dave's sister with the news that dear Uncle Ab had passed away in the night. While we know that he no longer suffers, it is still hard to let go of someone who was such a loved and important part of the family. Dave's mom grew up with two sisters and three brothers. Now there are only two brothers and one sister remaining. It seems like I've been to more funerals in the past 10 or so years than weddings. The older we get, the more we realize how precious and short life really is. Now, it's time to say good-bye to another loved one.
The surviving siblings, left to right: Dick, Joyce & Don
Rest in peace, Uncle Ab. We'll miss you!