Today my family and I celebrated the college graduation of my niece, Shelby from the University of Iowa. What an exciting time. It has been wonderful for me to see nieces and nephews as they continue their education, get married, start families, find careers that suit them. My husband and I don't have any living children of our own, so we've live vicariously through our siblings, their children and grandchildren.
Traveling is always an adventure for someone with food issues (allergies, intolerances, diabetes, Celiac Disease, etc). Through the past few years I have learned to always pack a LOT of gluten free food and treats to take with me. This weekend trip has been no exception. I feel very blessed to have a family that is very supportive, understanding and as accommodating as possible under the circumstances. Last night we ate at a place we've eaten before since my diagnosis. While I am always wary of buffets and normally avoid them at all costs, I will eat at the buffet at Riverside Casino & Resort near Iowa City. They've been accommodating and have a few items that I can safely eat. As always, I avoid areas where there is likely to be cross-contamination, even if there is a gluten free item. If it is next to something not gluten free, I don't take a chance. I took meat that was carved from a larger piece as I watched the cook cut it and put it on my plate and I chose to eat a lot of crab legs - all still in the shell and in an area away from the rest of the food on the buffet. Granted, I do know that I was taking a risk - more than the usual risk I take eating at a non-buffet restaurant that is not dedicated gluten free. I chose to take that risk because I know that I've eaten safely at this place before and haven't had any issues. I do not recommend doing this without doing your research to be as sure as possible that you can eat safely. Today, the luncheon after the commencement ceremonies was held at Pizza Ranch in North Liberty, Iowa. I've been very happy with the Pizza Ranch near where I live. They are extremely cautious and take great care to protect their gluten free customers from cross-contamination as much as they can. Again, do your research and ask questions beforehand. Find out how your food is prepared and what they do to make it as safe as possible before you order. Be as safe as you can be.
Yay, Shelby!!!
If you have to - eat beforehand. Do NOT let having Celiac or any other food issue keep you from joining in on the celebration!!! I've attended plenty of events where I had to eat either before or after the event. Yes, I sit there with nothing to eat while everyone else is eating, but I can still join in on the conversation and celebration. My health and being proactive in taking care of it is about me, but the celebration or event isn't. Don't make it about you, but God bless the families and friends who are understanding and accommodating of our needs even during their big and important events! Celebrate! Enjoy time with loved ones, co-workers, etc. Don't stop living just because you can't eat what everyone else can!
Congratulations, Shelby and all of the other 2017 graduates - high school and college - everywhere! Let the celebrating begin!!!!!