Sunday, October 7, 2018

To Blog or Not To Blog

The last few weeks I've struggled with doubts about myself and whether my voice makes a difference.  I started this blog in 2014 at the suggestion and encouragement of a friend from church.  She said that I could help others by sharing my experiences and what I've learned since my Celiac diagnosis.

I've worried that this blog and what I've been doing with my local support group (more on this topic to come later this week) hasn't really reached or helped anyone.  It's so hard to know if you're making a difference when you receive little to no feedback.  Are people actually reading my posts?  Are my posts helping anyone at all?

Anyone who knows me knows that faith is an extremely important part of my life.  Today, the message my pastor gave at church hit home in a big way with me.  It was about getting rid of the toxic thoughts that can cripple us, make us feel worthless, stop us from moving forward and doing what we are called to do.

WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  I needed this so badly!!  I've been feeling like I've been failing to help others.  Wondering who would listen to or even want to hear what I have to say.  See what I did there?!  I made it all about me!  That right there is a HUGE part of my problem!!  I didn't begin this blog, become Siouxland Celiac for myself.  I did it to help others, to raise awareness and to be an encouragement and support to others living with Celiac and other non-Celiac related health issues that require people to be gluten free.

When I began to focus on myself - all I could see were my own shortcomings.  I let toxic and stinkin' thinkin' derail me from what I was trying to do.  These toxic thoughts created crippling doubt and fear in me.

Today's message helped to wake me up and shake off those toxic thoughts and to remember why I write this blog, am a part of my local support group and post via multiple social media outlets.  It is for YOU!!!  Because YOU are important!  What you are going through is real, can be scary and overwhelming and no one should have to feel all alone in this!

So, here am I - in all of my imperfections - saying that I'm here for you.  I'm not here so that you can support me, but I want to be support for you, share information with you and offer encouragement that you are not in this alone.  As long as even one person needs me and can benefit from what I have to say, I will continue to write.  


  1. Hey Margo -- People are listening. The number of people don't matter, it's the purpose behind the sharing and writing that does. Over the years I've also floated between writing for myself and for others. You'll eventually find it's a teeter totter. Some days you write for yourself, other days you're inspired by assisting others. All of it is good! Keep up the great work! ~ Angela

    1. Thank you, Dear Friend, for that encouragement from your own experience. I appreciate it so much! I've developed a new game plan to keep me more productive and posting regularly that I believe will make a huge difference in my writing. I think that making myself accountable to my readers will also help me stay focused on what I am doing.

  2. God knows what we need.....when we need it. Today's message was good for me too! No matter what, my own dear Siouxland Celiac, I am always proud of you. You have grown (in so many areas) so much in the last 10 years or so. Keep on keeping on!
