Here we are on the last day of 2018 - the last few hours before the new year rings in. I've been considering a lot this past week just what my last blog post of the year would be about. I don't know about you, but this year has brought some major changes in my life, at work, at home. Many things stretching me to the point where I thought I may break, yet, I didn't. I overcame many obstacles and, not on my own.
The start of this year at work really stretched me close to my breaking point. In truth, I came really close to throwing in the towel. But I didn't. Not because I'm stubborn, though, trust me, I am that (I ain't a ginger for nothing!). No, if it had just been my own stubbornness, I would have walked away from a job and a company that I've worked at for the past 2 plus decades. Thankfully, my boss, the HR VP and my co-workers talked me off the ledge. They showed me support, encouragement and they believed in me and my ability to get through the tough times. If not for all of them, I would have walked away from a company I love working for. Their belief in me - even through the meltdowns, and, there WERE meltdowns - brought me through the worst of the stressful times that everyone in the company experienced through the last year of major changes. I didn't think I could handle the pressure the job was putting on me, that I was putting on myself. My mental and physical health suffered for it and I know that I'm not the only one who did. Even when I felt like I was failing, the people I work with believed in me, put up with me and showed me unwavering support. You never know what kind of a team you truly are a part of until you go through a seemingly impossible situation together. We weathered through together and not a one of us gave up! Not on each other, not on the job, not on the company. And it is beginning to pay off and things are calming down. I'm beyond grateful to still be with this company that has been so good to me for the last 22 1/2 years! And it is all because I work with an amazing group of women who wouldn't let me give up, sometimes smacking me over the head with hard truths that I needed to hear.
What does all of that have to do with Celiac you may ask? Well, if you are like me, stress can trigger some nasty Celiac symptoms - without the added problem of being glutened! Even in all of my worst moments of stress and self-doubt, NOT ONCE did I have a full-blown panic attack!! This is HUGE for me! And it was NOT because of me! It was because of an awesome support system I have in the people I work with. They even love being guinea pigs when I try new gluten free recipes! LOL We all need support and understanding in every aspect of our lives. Because our jobs take up a large portion of our day to day lives, having a great team of co-workers can make such a huge difference! And, if you can manage the work stress, that will help with mental and physical exhaustion that can complicate your Celiac symptoms.
I also turned 50 in April. Wow. I can't believe I am now actually old enough for my very own AARP membership - I have the card, I can prove it! I thought that turning 50 would depress me, but it is funny - I actually feel more invigorated and alive than I have in a very long time, maybe ever! January 15th will mark 5 years since my diagnosis and going gluten free. This past week notwithstanding (I had a migraine that started Christmas Eve and then morphed into a sinus infection later in the week - still getting over it at this time), I actually feel the healthiest I have ever been in my life - overall. I now not only know what it means to actually feel good, but I have more good days than not good days.
I have grown in so many ways this year and have experienced things I never thought possible. Mid year the local Celiac Support Group I attend lost it's leader and sponsor and my friend, Susie and I stepped in to keep the group going. It hasn't been easy and we've had our ups and downs, but we've endured and have kept it going! We've met and spoken with so many people who have Celiac or have family or friends living with it. People who were amazed that they weren't alone! People who wanted to learn more and to be a part of a group of people who are in this journey together. I think that is what I am most proud of in 2018. Neither Susie nor I are natural born leaders. But we both saw the need and felt the urgency to keep this group together and to be able to expand and broaden it's reach to be able to help more people. We've had some members move away and welcomed new faces as well as those who've been there right along with us. It has been the most rewarding experience I can remember in a very long time.
May God bless and keep you as we say farewell to 2018 and greet 2019. Happy New Year!